Saturday, March 8, 2008


Digg is a site where people write articles and other people choose weather they like it or not. If they like the article you wrote your article gets dugg and it becomes more popular therefore increasing traffic.

The cool thing about Digg is that when you write about an article they will link it to your blog, so whenever someone reads your article it will take them to your site. This can increase you site traffic and help get more people to your site.

Another site that I wanna show is TrafficJam. TrafficJam is very similar to Digg except that it is a place where bloggers can post articles and get news on the latest blogs. It is a very good way to get your content out to more readers that are out there.

So check these two sites out as they will help you greatly. If you need help with using them just post a comment and I will be happy to answer it as soon as possible.


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